Best Logbook Software For Mac


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If you work from an Apple device, there’s one solution you should try: a Mac time tracking app. This software can be a lifesaver for freelancers and employers who primarily work on the OSX operating system. Time tracking apps serve as a reminder, disciplinary assistant, and motivation booster for both solo freelancers and home-based work teams. Even better, some of the best Mac time management apps often come with financial management functions, such as generating invoices for your clients. Employers using Mac time tracking applications can have the assurance that they are getting value for money paid to their employees. Whether you’re a freelancer, founder, or remote employee, time tracking software helps make you and your business more productive.

Best Logbook Software For Mac

In this post, you’ll find the best Mac time tracking software to make your decision easier. When it comes to time management applications, Hubstaff does it all.

Download the desktop app and you’ll be seamlessly tracking time in no time. Hubstaff time tracking is great for companies and individuals who hire remote workers and freelancers alike. This software generates comprehensive daily, weekly and calendar view timesheets, which can then be used to pay team members and invoice clients. Installing Hubstaff’s Mac app will lead to instant benefits for your entire team.

They can use the one-click timer to track their time to the second, so if they tell you a task will take four hours, and it ends up taking five, you can pay them what they’re owed. This accountability goes the other way, as well. As a manager, you can view each person’s time, activity level (based on their keyboard and mouse activity), and optionally, random screenshots of their work. These features can be customized to your settings or turned off altogether. (10.6 Snow Leopard and later), Windows (2000 and later), and Linux (distributions released in 2010 or later). Hubstaff also has an.

Klok features a visual display of your time and tasks and allows you to customize the organization of your clients and projects. It automatically begins a new timer when you start working on a different task, and you can always adjust the time later. You can also connect Klok to other time-tracking apps, such as Harvest and Freshbooks (more on them later), for added functionality. Other Klok functions include timesheets that can be exported, generation of invoices and dashboard reporting. With Harvest, you’ll never have an excuse not to track your time.

Not only will it run on your Mac, but it’s also available on your phone, web browser, and even your Apple Watch. Plus, once you integrate it with the other apps you use, you’ll see the option to track your time pop up in Trello, Jira, Zendesk, and so on. Harvest also makes it easy to get paid. Once you’ve completed a task or work cycle, you can instantly convert your billable hours into invoices. Want to add an expense? Just snap a picture of your receipt, and the cost will be pulled into your invoice.

If you’re looking for a free Mac time tracking application, Freshbooks is both a time and finance management tool. You can track team time sheets, set timers and time limits, or handle accounting tasks from the Freshbooks desktop widget. Whether you use Toggl’s web app, or download its Mac version, tracking your time is as simple as logging in and clicking a timer. Of course, Toggl’s functionality goes beyond that. Like any standard time tracking app, it lets you allocate your time toward specific projects. But you can also create sub-projects, give your entries tags (think “bug fix” or “SEO research”), and visually organize your time graphs by giving each project its own color.

Furthermore, Toggl’s clean, streamlined design makes it really pleasant to use. Once you’ve completed a project, share your report with your client via a custom URL, or export it as an Excel, CSV, or PDF file. You want to make the process of tracking your time as effortless as possible. While Tyme doesn’t run automatically, it does let you set up a custom keyboard shortcut so you can launch the app with a quick tap of a button. And once you’re in, almost every action has a corresponding hotkey. In theory, you’d never have to touch your mouse. Tyme’s dashboard gives you an overview of your current clients and your most recent entries for each.

Being able to get a bird’s-eye view of your work is definitely handy, and Tyme’s sleek, futuristic interface is fun. However, I’ve noticed that Tyme’s dashboard can start to get cluttered if you have more than two projects going at once. For those of you who always forget to track your time, you’ll appreciate Tyme’s reminder feature.

The app learns your habits and will you send you friendly messages to start or stop your timer if you’re doing something unusual. In addition to time, Tyme will also keep track of your mileage and business expenses. To get more insight into how you spend your time, give Timing a try. Unlike most of the other options on this list, this app doesn’t have a “turn on/turn off” button: It runs around the clock. If you open it up, you can see everything you’ve been doing, with as much or as little detail as you’d like. Timing automatically groups your activity into categories, like “Web browsing” or “Games.” Open up a category to learn how much time you spent into a specific application, then go one step deeper and check out which files or URLs you opened. You can assign time to projects, but you’ll have to do it manually by creating a new file and then dragging and dropping your relevant time entries into it.

If you’re looking for simple, no-frills time-tracking software, check out OfficeTime. Its interface is nothing to write home about, but it makes up for its appearance with several handy features. Like its Quick Access option. Simply click on your Mac’s top navigation bar, choose the project you’re working on, and start the timer.

There’s no need to open the app itself, so you don’t need to waste a single second. When you need a break, want to switch projects, or would like to stop timing, just open the menu again and select the relevant option. OfficeTime also syncs with iCal, which makes it easy to bill clients for meetings or blocks of work you’ve scheduled. Fanurio is a budget-friendly option for freelancers and small teams. It’s fairly flexible when it comes to logging work: you can bill tasks in units or hours, add expenses and trips, and record products (like a set of icons, a blog post, design mock-ups, etc.).

Fanurio also gives you a couple different ways to track your time. Of course, you can open up the app to control the timer, but you can also start and stop it using the drop-down menu in your menu bar or the icon in your dock icon menu. Handily, the Fanurio badge in your dock icon menu will display how much time has elapsed. To help you stay on top of things, Fanurio reminds you to start, pause, or stop your timer based on your regular work patterns. Most time tracking apps are focused on the present: You start and you stop the timer depending on what you’re doing in that very moment. But Timely is all about the future.

First you schedule your work, then you log your time. So, let’s say you’re planning on Skyping with a client for an hour on Wednesday.

Timely integrates with most calendar tools, so your meeting will automatically show up in the app. When you begin your Skype session, click the Timely entry to start tracking your time. When the meeting is over, click it again to end tracking. You’ll get a side-by-side comparison of how much time you scheduled versus how long it actually took. Timely’s calendar view is really elegant and easy to navigate. Each project is color-coded, so you can get a visual overview of what you’re working on each day, week, or month. Every time you work on a new project, you’re probably switching apps several times.

First, you use an estimate tool, then you switch to a time tracker, then you switch to an invoice generator, and finally, you log into your payment app. Well, with Billings Pro, you can do it all within a single platform.

This tool lets you prepare estimates, create detailed time logs, send invoices, and track who’s paid you. That’s not the only way Billings Pro provides convenience.

It’s available on your Mac, iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch, so you’ll never be far away from a digital timer. Tick is designed to keep you and your teammates on budget. After you create a time budget for an entire project or an individual task, Tick will show you how much time you’ve logged versus how much you’ve got left. This feature is definitely useful for freelancers trying not to exceed how much time they’ve budgeted for a specific client, but it’s even more useful for managers who want to compare how much time each team member has logged. Tick’s reporting features are also useful for team leaders. You can look at the data for each employee, or toggle your view to see how much time you’ve billed each client.

Since Tick integrates with Quickbooks and Freshbooks, turning these reports into invoices is fairly painless. This app integrates with Basecamp as well so you can see how much time is left in the budget, export Basecamp to-do items as tasks (or import Tick tasks as Basecamp to-dos), and see how much time your workers have logged. Mac Time Tracking App Reviews Summary.

. HRD Ham Radio Deluxe v5 is a free Windows multi function software, includes logbook, CAT Control software for Elecraft, Kenwood, ICOM, Ten-Tec and Yaesu radios, rotor controls, digital mode rtx, rotor control, dx cluster client and many more features by HB9DRV. Ham Radio Deluxe V6 instead is a commercial product distributed by HRD Software LL. Download latest free version of the popular Ham Radio Deluxe 5. An amateur radio suite that includes Log program, remote radio control, DM780 a multimode decoder, mapping and rotor control tools. Latest free build is 5.24.38. Free Windows Amateur Radio logging program written by Bob Furzer, K4CY the author of Zakanaka.

Logger32 runs under all Windows versions. Logger32 has been developed to be a highly user configurable general purpose Amateur Radio logbook with computer control support for many radios and antenna rotators. Logging software designed solely for Windows 95/98/ME/NT4/2000. The Author G0CUZ provides this software free to use by all Radio Amateurs and SWL's in true Ham Spirit. DXKeeper is a free application that logs QSOs, tracks award status, generates QSL cards & labels, addresses envelopes, uploads QSOs to and LotW, and downloads progress info from and LotW. It can reference the RAC, Hamcall, and QRZ callbooks as well as the web site to fill in data when logging, or to update already-logged QSOs.

DXKeeper automatically interoperates with all members of the freeware DXLab Suite, including Commander (transceiver control and bandspread for Alinco, Elecraft, FlexRadio, Icom, Kachina, Kenwood, TenTec, Yaesu), DXView (world map, rotator control), WinWarbler (PSK, RTTY, CW, Phone) and SpotCollector (DX and WWV spots). It also interoperates with MMTTY, MMVARI, MMSSTV, MultiPSK, MixW, DX Atlas, and Ham Radio Deluxe. DX4WIN is an easy to use, yet powerful logging program for every ham. It has been designed for the the serious and the casual DXer.

Log-X formerly LogWindow is a Windows based software program designed for the specific use of Amateur Radio operators to keep a log of the contacts that were made with other radio operators around the world, designed to be used in Amateur Radio contests, Emergency situations, and for general record keeping of conversations. By SCO Inc.

AC Log by N3FJP is an easy to use Windows based general logging program by N3FJP. The program tracks your Worked All States, Worked All Counties, and Worked All Countries progress. Included is a database of counties and countries. Trial version available. DXtreme Software produces powerful and easy-to-use logging applications for radio enthusiasts such as Amateur Radio operators, Shortwave DXers, Shortwave listeners, Broadcast band DXers, VLF DXers, VHF, UHF, and TV DXers.

CQLog is a powerful logging program for Windows. It provides a comprehensive control centre for everyday on-the-air activities, including: full-featured logging of QSOs; statistics for many awards (for LoTW and eQSL capability); support for QRZ, RAC, GOLIST databases. You can save up to 3 pictures for each SSTV-QSO. Two-way data exchange with MixW2, and DigiPan. Integrates with DX Atlas.

Real-time upload of QSOs to The program also offers a 'contest-mode'; supports CAT systems for YAESU, ICOM, KENWOOD, Ten-Tec. Prints QSL cards, and QSL labels, addresses envelopes. XMLog is an amateur radio logbook system for Windows and Windows NT. Fast and easy logger freeware by I0XGR, Alberto Guerra for windows. KLog is free amateur radio logging software.

Now including AZ,WAS,IOTA,DXCC & WPX awards tracking. Also ADIF import/export is supported. SWISSLOG is a Freeware powerfull Logprogram for the sophisticated Ham. Due to its flexibility it covers all requirements. Run under Windows and support external devices, dx cluster, reporting and many features. Shareware logging tool for Windows.

Very efficient, fast and easy to use. Support and development is discontinued. AALog is a comprehensive logger program designed for amateur radio station operators. QRZ,Buckmaster,Flying Horse lookup, CW/RTTY/PSK31 support, Digital voice processor. DXCC,WAZ,P75P,WAS,JCC,WAJA,WAIP,IOTA,Russia tracking. Many other useful features. compatible. It look like your paper log and use all power your PC.

FREE amateur radio logbook for Windows, Year 2000 compliant, Real-time or post-event data-entry, Produces QSL cards and address labels, Produces RSGB VHF-UHF-SHF Competition Log Sheet and more, by G7LFC. Easylog by microware software. Commercial amateur radio logging software for windows.

Full featured logging, HF radio control, Internet Packet, VHF Packet, Label Designer, Report Designer, and a lot more. Ham Log book is written in MS Access. A good logging program that is very easy to use by Kevin Rea K6REA. Freeware logbook software for logging qso's from 160 meters till 2 meters. Freeware logbook program with many features, includes CAT system and database for yaesu Icom and kenwood rtx.

This program is currently discontinued by the author who developed another ham log program for windows. Eurowinlog is a ham logging software using worldmap zoomable capabilities. Handling 32400 gridsquares, dxcc, dxcluster, qsl printing and much more.

Easy to use logging program for linux/X, written with the GTK library. Contacts are saved in a browsable list, which can be edited. YPLOG logging software for Windows support Icom and Kenwood Radios, map programs and a program for coaxial trap design. Logging database with many features, mainly dedicated to SWL logging. Log For the Radio Amateur on all bands from 180 metres to 24GHz by G0MDO.

Hits: 4046 Votes: 15 Rating: 6.97. A ham radio logging solution. Built on mysql/maria db and php, it allows you to host a log on a web server and have easy access to viewing editing deleting backing up and restoring the log.

Allows everyone to view the log and a central admisitrative section which when logged into allows you to add and edit and remove entries. It features an easy to setup page, run the setup page and enter the required values and your set to start logging. It is primarily mobile friendly, easy on bandwidth and should work well in any browser.

If entering a contact that you have worked before it will show the last 5 dates and times of that station. Hits: 2277 Votes: 18 Rating: 7.27. CQLog is a powerful logging program for Windows.

Logbook Software Free

It provides a comprehensive control centre for everyday on-the-air activities, including: full-featured logging of QSOs; statistics for many awards (for LoTW and eQSL capability); support for QRZ, RAC, GOLIST databases. You can save up to 3 pictures for each SSTV-QSO.

Two-way data exchange with MixW2, and DigiPan. Integrates with DX Atlas. Real-time upload of QSOs to The program also offers a 'contest-mode'; supports CAT systems for YAESU, ICOM, KENWOOD, Ten-Tec. Prints QSL cards, and QSL labels, addresses envelopes.

Hits: 427 Votes: 1 Rating: 2.00. updated pop - DXKeeper is a free application that logs QSOs, tracks award status, generates QSL cards & labels, addresses envelopes, uploads QSOs to and LotW, and downloads progress info from and LotW. It can reference the RAC, Hamcall, and QRZ callbooks as well as the web site to fill in data when logging, or to update already-logged QSOs. DXKeeper automatically interoperates with all members of the freeware DXLab Suite, including Commander (transceiver control and bandspread for Alinco, Elecraft, FlexRadio, Icom, Kachina, Kenwood, TenTec, Yaesu), DXView (world map, rotator control), WinWarbler (PSK, RTTY, CW, Phone) and SpotCollector (DX and WWV spots). It also interoperates with MMTTY, MMVARI, MMSSTV, MultiPSK, MixW, DX Atlas, and Ham Radio Deluxe.

This entry was posted on 31.01.2020.