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Once on the FBI’s 10 Most Wanted list, inspiring the likes of John Lennon, Yoko Ono and The Rolling Stones, she is considered the godmother of modern activism and announced she was vegan in 2009: we proudly kick off our top 100 list with Angela Davis! A force to be reckoned with, Angela has been advocating human rights and progressive justice since the 1960s. As a socialist scholar, she has lectured all over the world and held positions at a number of universities. American vegan vlogger Hannah Howlett is known for her dramatic weight loss and potato cleanse diet. Howlett, who goes by the online name of High Carb Hannah, lost 70 lbs in less than a year. She did this by following Dr.

John McDougall’s famed starch solution, published under the same name in 2012, by eating meals packed with potatoes, rice, oatmeal and other whole starches. In 2016, Howlett published Lean & Clean, an ebook containing over 50 recipes and 14-day meal plans and exercise guides for weight loss. Howlett inspires her followers to live vegan, updating them on what she eats, her workout routines and how to follow a more eco-friendly lifestyle and runs the website. #98 - Garth Davis. Garth Davis is a medical and surgical weight loss doctor based in Houston, Texas, lecturing across the medical field on the importance of a plant-based diet. Working as a medical expert for over 30 years, Davis has reviewed thousands of science-backed studies to successfully dispel the myth surrounding the need for animal protein. Instead, he writes that animal protein is killing humans in his critically acclaimed book,. Dr Davis has starred in a number of films recently, playing a key role in the Cowspiracy sequel, What The Health. He also regularly takes part in triathlons and marathons, and runs a Facebook page with a devoted following of over 70,000 fans. #97 - Gary Francione. As the first academic to teach animal rights theory in America, Gary Francione has been doing just that for close to 3 decades.

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Professor Francione is well-known throughout the animal protection movement for his criticism of animal welfare laws and the property status of nonhuman animals, and for his abolitionist theory of animal rights. He has authored a series of seminal books, including Eat Like You Care: An Examination of the Morality of Eating Animals, and The Animal Rights Debate: Abolition or Regulation. Francione and his partner and colleague, Anna Charlton, represent individual animal advocates, grassroots animal groups and national and international animal organizations, and curate their website, The Abolitionist Approach, on. #96 - Bonny Rebecca. A proud vegan since 2011, Patrik Baboumian is one of the strongest men in the world. Born in Iran and raised in Germany, he is a strongman competitor, strength athlete, and former bodybuilder who continues to inspire countless athletes and people around the world to go vegan. He recently published a book about the benefits of the vegan lifestyle: VRebellion-1: How to Become a Vegan Badass. He is also active on YouTube, and regularly gives talks at vegan events across Europe.

His youtube channel can be found. #93 - Katie Cleary. Model and actress Katie Cleary is the president and founder of and its global animal news network, World Animal News. Cleary founded the nonprofit Peace 4 Animals with a clear vision: to create a world in which we can all live in harmony with our animal friends.

Cleary also produced Give Me Shelter, a documentary covering and uncovering the three most prevalent issues facing animals. She is regularly featured on and spoke at the 2016 SoCal VegFest where she exposed the plight of the animals raised for food. #92 - Chef AJ. As the host of the Foody TV series Healthy Living with Chef AJ, has been devoted to the vegan lifestyle for nearly 40 years. She is the author of the popular book, Unprocessed: How to Achieve Vibrant Health and Your Ideal Weight, which focuses on her journey from a junk-food vegan faced with a diagnosis of pre-cancerous polyps to learning how to create recipes that nourish and heal the body. Based in Los Angeles, California, Chef AJ teaches a hugely popular monthly seminar featuring cooking instructions and nutritional science. She is also the founder of the Ultimate Weight Loss Program, and the host of the cooking show, The Chef and the Dietitian. #91 - Jake Conroy.

Next up is, who has been involved in a wide range of activism since the mid-1990s. As the co-founder and vice president of Ocean Defense International, Conroy led the first ever whale-hunt disruption in US coastal waters. He also helped build the foundation of Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty USA, one of the most successful grassroots animal rights campaigns in recent history. Due to the overwhelming success of the campaign against one of the biggest lobbying industries in the US, the federal government prosecuted Jake and his co-defendants, known as the SHAC 7, as domestic terrorists. Jake was sentenced to 48 months, which he served in 2 prisons in southern California. Conroy currently works for an international environmental organization that relies on direct action and pressure campaigns to help enact responsible corporate policies. He is also on a speaking tour across universities and events, and has been featured in. #90 - Nina and Randa Nelson.

Nina and Randa Nelson are identical twins who have been vegan from birth.In 2015, they exploded onto the scene and have since raked in over 600,000 subscribers, garnering over 30 million views in the last year alone. Unlike many of the influencers on this list, Nina and Randa have shifted away from purely vegan-based content and campaigning. By focusing on their passions, including music videos, they are expanding their subscriber base and reaching people who would otherwise never consider a plant-based diet to thrive. Plant Based News will continue to watch these two rise to fame over the next and take the vegan movement to scale. #89 - Ed Winters. Sharon Nunez is the founder and international director of, a well-known animal advocacy organisation dedicated to defending all animals through public education, campaigning, and farm investigations. Currently active in the US, UK, Germany, Italy, Spain, Mexico, Venezuela and India, Animal Equality moves the public to embrace veganism for the animals. Their greatest accomplishment to date, iAnimal, is a virtual reality project that creates a 360-degree, immersive environment in which viewers are transported inside factory farms and slaughterhouses.

IAnimal reached 30,000 influencers worldwide and is shared with over 90 activists and organizations. #87 - Daniel Bissonnette. Daniel Bissonnette is the world’s most influential 12-year-old speaker and author in the health field. From the age of 9 onwards, Daniel has been speaking alongside world-renowned experts at leading health events across Canada and the US. He is now the keynote speaker at Western Canada’s Premier Consumer Health Shows.

Determined to make an impact on the world by helping kids and families eat better, he has delivered over 100 professional presentations and authored a best-selling book, Daniel’s Breakfast Burst. Feel free to check him out on his channel! #86 - Caldwell Esselstyn. American physician and author of, Dr. Esselstyn is known worldwide for his long-term nutritional research aimed at arresting and reversing coronary artery disease through a low-fat, whole-foods, plant-based diet.Previously the star of the Forks Over Knives documentary, he was featured in two recent documentaries, What The Health and Eating You Alive. His son and Engine 2 Diet and My Beef With Meat author, Rip Esselstyn, is a former firefighter and triathlete who promotes healthy vegan dieting, trademarking the 'plant-strong' term. #85 - Tobias Leenaert.

As the co-founder of the Belgian organisation, Ethical Vegetarian Alternative, and, Tobias Leenaert is known for his work as a vegan strategist alongside such notables as Melanie Joy. Leenaert organises weekend training sessions on effective vegan advocacy and he is currently putting the finishing touches to a book on vegan strategy and outreach entitled, How to Veganize the World in 30 Years. He can be found at where he discusses vegan activism strategies. #84 - Kristen Bell. The English singer, Steven Morrissey, best known as the frontman of indie rock band The Smiths, released Meat is Murder in 1983, which was remastered in 2012 and promptly became the number-one anti-animal cruelty album in the UK, winning devoted fans and foes alike.In 2016, in what was his first interview in nearly a decade, Morrissey sat with TV legend Larry King, speaking openly about his vegan lifestyle. Back on the touring side, Morrissey insists that his venues serve no meat. As a long-time PETA supporter, he partnered with the animal rights organisation to create an animated video about farmed hens that he features on his tours. #78 - Alexandra Beth.

The 6-foot-5, 300-pound defensive lineman for the American football league, NFL, happens to be an outspoken Vegan Outreach activist.As an ambassador for Vegan Outreach, Carter speaks variously on vegan-related topics, including food justice and vegan activism. Having embraced veganism and stopped consuming any animal products after watching Forks Over Knives, he managed to reverse and cure his ailments and saw a massive improvement in his performance on the field.His motto? “My food is my medicine”.

A Los-Angeles based lawyer and advocate for sustainable consumption, David Simon works as general counsel for a healthcare company and serves on the board of the APRL Fund, a nonprofit dedicated to protecting animals. Simon has also authored “Meatonomics”, which shines a light on the unsettling world of factory farming how governments in the western world contribute to it. This is the first book to explore the unseen economic forces that drive our animal food system and the hair-raising ways these forces affect our spending, eating, longevity and environment. In 2017, Simon was featured in the Cowspiracy follow-up film What The Health. Colin Campbell.

Campbell specializes in the effect of plant based nutrition on long-term health and the author of The China Study, which although initially published in 2005, continues to sell like wild fire. He also featured in the 2011 Forks Over Knives documentary. Although retired from his biochemist position, he heads up the t colin campbell center for nutrition studies. In January 2017, he wrote an article to the BBC titled: British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), Your Credibility Is Tarnished after he claims he was misrepresented in a recent documentary by the BBC about clean eating. #63 - Nafsika Antypas. The ever-so-sweet Nafsika Antypas is the host, producer and creator of the world’s first and only vegan lifestyle TV series “Plant-Based by Nafsika”, focusing on a plant-based lifestyle that includes food, fashion, beauty, health and innovations. She also went on to found The Struggling Vegan Inc, an organization with the mission to help people transition to a vegan lifestyle while strengthening the vegan community.

Season 2 of her show will air this spring and she is also working on a book at the moment. And do take note of the Greek entrepreneur’s motto: “If you plant it, it will grow”. #62 - Nathan Runkle. Nathan Runkle is the founder and executive director of Mercy For Animals. Since founding it over a decade ago, Runkle has overseen the organization’s growth into a leading force in the prevention of cruelty to farmed animals and promotion of compassionate food choices and policies.

He is a nationally recognized speaker on animal advocacy, factory farming, and veganism and, believe it not, at the age of 25 he became the youngest person ever inducted into the U.S. Animal Rights Hall of Fame. A grassroots organizer and coordinator for many years, NAthan Runkle has spearheaded thousands of demonstrations and outreach events across the U.S. ranging from protests outside pork and egg producer conventions to parade marches, educational exhibits and more.


#61 - Che Green. Gene Baur is co‑founder and president of Farm Sanctuary, and has been hailed as “the conscience of the food movement” by TIME magazine and listed on Oprah’s top 100 biggest trailblazers.

He was a pioneer in undercover investigations and instrumental in passing the first U.S. Laws to ban inhumane factory farming practices. Since 1986 he has traveled extensively, campaigning to raise awareness about the abuses of animal agriculture and our cheap food system. He has also written two national best-selling books. #57 - Evanna Lynch. Commited to bring delicious, vegan dishes to a mainstream audience, Coscarelli is the first vegan to ever win a culinary competition on television. The 29-year-old vegan chef and best-selling author published cookbooks including Chloe’s Kitchen, Chloe’s Vegan Desserts and Chloe’s Vegan Italian Kitchen; in 2015 she opened her vegan restaurant, by CHLOE, in New York.

Coscarelli is posting recipes on her website, chef, and changing the landscape of the food industry, Forbes having named her “30 Under 30” earlier in 2017. Since then, however, the famed chef has been sacked from her own restaurant. She heroically defended veganism by not allowing her name to be used for selling animal products, when ESquared Hospitality expressed the intention to open non-vegan restaurants under the by CHLOE brand. #49 - Emma Stone.

Breeze Harper is an accomplished vegan with a wealth of experience in dealing with diversity issues. She has authored many books in this area, and is the creator of The Sistah Vegan Project and the editor of the ground-breaking anthology, Sistah Vegan: Black Female Vegans Speak on Food, Identity, Health, and Society. As such, she is a huge proponent for framing veganism in an intersectional way and her work explores how systems of oppression operate. She was nominated last year as the Humane Party Vice-Presidential Candidate and is currently working on another book titled Recipes for Racial Tension Headaches: A Critical Race Feminist's Journey Through 'Post-Racial' USA's Ethical Foodscape. #45 - Brian Turner. Widely known for his animal rights advocacy, the American actor became vegan at the age of 3, when he went fishing with his siblings.

Joaquin is a member of In Defense of Animals and PETA, actively campaigning for both and bringing awareness about retail corporation Walmart and their support of pig cruelty and China’s brutal dog-leather industry. This vegan superhero is the voice of Earthlings, receiving the Humanitarian Award for his narration and contribution to the documentary. Richard Oppenlander. A well-known activist, lecturer and author, Dr. Richard Oppenlander has written two books on the impact food choice has on the environment, our health, world hunger and the cruelty inherent in all types of animal agriculture. He is also the founder of Ope’s, a vegan food company, and the non-profit “Inspire Awareness Now”, which develops initiatives that solve major world problems, creating green jobs and providing education in the U.S. And internationally in order to increase awareness for the benefits and methods of converting to a fully plant-based agricultural system.

#42 - Genesis Butler. Genesis Butler is a 10-year-old animal rights activist who started her vegan journey at 4 and has since lobbied her local government, participated in protests, spoken out on the news, picketed circuses and set up her own foundation to raise money for animals in need. Influencing dozens of people to go vegan on her platform “A Vegan Child’s Journey”, Genesis received The Paul McCartney Animal Hero Kids Young Veg Advocate Award for her veganized version of Dr. Martin Luther King’s “I Have A Dream” speech. This miracle child has also worked with Farm Sanctuary to get Meatless Mondays passed and is starting her own non-profit foundation, called Genesis for Animals, where she will provide funding to people who rescue animals. Alex Hershaft.

An animal rights activist with a heart of gold, Alex Hershaft is the co-founder and president of the Farm Animal Rights Movement, America’s oldest organization devoted exclusively to promoting the rights of animals not to be raised for food. FARM organizes public awareness initiatives, cutting-edge grassroots campaigns, and movement-building programs that nurture both aspiring vegans and budding activists. Hershaft’s influence on the animal rights movement as a whole can hardly be understated. #40 - Geoff Palmer.

Vegan bodybuilder Geoff Palmer is the CEO and owner of Clean Machine, a natural and plant-based sports and nutrition supplement company that is making waves with their newly-launched Clean Green Protein. As a leader in plant-based nutrition, Clean Machine is the first company to market a “superfood” protein powder with Lentein, a brand of protein-rich water lentils. The protein powder, according to Palmer, is an “unprecedented innovation in plant-based nutrition because it offers a superior source of protein, greens and Omega 3 fatty acids, all in one product”.

The Clean Green Protein not only is the most nutrient-dense protein powder ever, but it also has enormous health benefits, “ranging from assisting with muscle building to weight loss, joint health, heart health, and much more,” said Palmer. #39 - Heather Mills.

Toni Okamoto is the founder of one of the fastest-growing vegan food blogs, Plant Based on a Budget. Reaching over 4.5 million views in its 4 years of existence, the blog has been supported and promoted by most animal advocacy organizations, including Mercy for Animals, PETA and Vegan Outreach. Toni co-authored The Friendly Vegan Cookbook, the e-book being filled with her and Michelle Cehn’s 14 household favorite recipes, such as Hella Healthy Mac ‘n’ Cheese; Toni also makes vegan food accessible on her self-titled Youtube channel. She is a recognized personality and speaker within the vegan movement and has been a public figure for several leading animal advocacy organizations. Toni Okamoto is featured in the What the Health film (dir.

Kip Andersen), where she slayed the myth about vegan eating being expensive. #37 - Bruce Friedrich. We’re talking about Bruce Friedrich next, executive director of The Good Food Institute and founding partner of New Crop Capital, organizations focused on replacing animal products with plant and culture-based alternatives. He is also a popular speaker on college campuses, having presented at most of the nation’s top universities, including Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, and MIT. Friedrich’s articles appear regularly in the Huffington Post and has penned pieces for the Wall Street Journal and USA Today, among others, promoting veganism.

#36 - Adriano Mannino. Adriano Mannino is a philosopher, writer and co-founder and president of Sentience Politics, an organization that develops political strategies that promise to reduce the suffering of sentient beings in highly effective ways. They are currently preparing legislative campaigns in several European countries and has launched democratic initiatives in Switzerland, leading up to binding popular votes on daily vegan options in all public canteens, on basic rights to all primates, and on the abolition of factory farming. Mannino is working on a book about Sentience Politcs’ approach - so keep an eye out! #35 - Erin Janus.

Named by Fast Company magazine one of “9 People Who Are changing the Future of Food” in their April 2016 issue, Terry is an award-winning chef, educator and author renowned for his activism to create a healthy, just and sustainable food system. He is currently the Chef-in-Residence at the Museum of the African Diaspora in San Francisco where he creates programming that celebrates the intersection of food, farming, health, activism, art, culture and the African Diaspora. His cookbooks include the bestseller Afro-Vegan: Farm-Fresh African, Caribbean, & Southern Flavors Remixed and Vegan Soul Kitchen: Fresh, Creative, and African-American Cuisine.

#32 - Fiona Oakes. A vegan since 6-years-old, Fiona Oakes is a British marathon runner, holding three world records in spite of the fact that she lost a kneecap when she was 17.

Oakes is running the Tower Hill Stables Animal Sanctuary, which provides a home for life to around 400 rescued animals, both domestic and ex-farm. Whilst the Sanctuary deals with the symptoms of abuse and exploitation, Fiona has created The Fiona Oakes Foundation to strike at the root cause of what she believes is the biggest single issue facing the world in which we live in - sustainability.

Positioning herself as a role model for the mainstream, Keegan Kuhn is producing a documentary centered on her! #31 - Josh Tetrick. Josh Tetrick is transforming the current food system by heading up Hampton Creek, an innovative plant-based company that have received over 120 million dollars in investment. The company’s products are sold in more than 18,000 stores in the US, their success prompting Bill Gates to select Hampton Creek as one of three companies shaping the future of food. Healthier, cheaper and more sustainable, are how Josh Tetrik so often dubs his foods. And you can't fault him, because it is absolutely true.

Hampton Creek will be coming out with plant-based pasta, ice cream and high-protein snacks soon, as well as food products that address nutritional deficiencies and people without access to refrigeration. #30 - Wayne Hsiung. Wayne is the co-founder of the animal rights international network Direct Action Everywhere, fighting against factory farming, animal abuse and animal cruelty. His commitment to saving animals and exposing the horrors of animal agriculture have led to his taking part in numerous high profile protests and campaigns. Wayne was even arrested in June this year following a vigil at a San Francisco slaughterhouse, when he began removing injured animals. He believes that “The only way to change an unjust law is to break it - and suffer the consequences of your action”. #29 - Sandra Higgins.

Founder and director of Eden Farmed Animal Sanctuary Ireland and campaign director for Go Vegan World, Sandra Higgins is seeking complete cessation of animal use. Go Vegan World is a public advertising campaign and the first of its kind in Europe that aims to bring to light the processes involved in objectifying a sentient being in laboratories, zoos, circuses, farms and slaughterhouses, thus promoting ethical veganism.

The campaign targets large cities in the UK, having launched in late December 2016 on buses, taxis, video screens and on street and motorway billboards in London, Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool, Leicester, Newcastle and Bristol. #28 - Kalel Kitten. Comedian and one of the stars of the Jackass crew says he saw something very wrong in the way we treat animals when he started working as a clown in ringling bros circus many decades ago.

He observed animals being treated badly and kept in unimaginable conditions. Steve has continued to face ethical challenges working in various productions like working on “killer Karaoke” where animals were abused with the impunity of it being entertaining. SteveO has broken through the idea that it’s normal for animals being used for entertainment is normal and acceptable.

The guy knows how to get attention, he has done public stunts, that he was ultimately arrested for, highlighting the animals abuse done by seaworld. In 2015 he got arrested doing a disruption protest about Seaworld he said “I mean, if your goal is to make a statement about captivity, you may as well get yourself locked up!” He uses his celebrity clout as an out spoken advocate for animal rights and talks regularly about living vegan to an unexpected audience. #26 - Simon Amstell.

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This entry was posted on 31.01.2020.