Low Price Chinese Function Key Keyboard Skin Protector For Mac


My least favorite Apple product (of all time) This may be the only item I've ever been compelled to write a negative review about, for anything, ever. My dislike stems from the fact that, as others have poi This may be the only item I've ever been compelled to write a negative review about, for anything, ever. My dislike stems from the fact that, as others have pointed out (some in a positive light), that it feels just like using a laptop keyboard. Yes, it feels exactly like that. I didn't buy a standalone keyboard for it to feel like my MacBook Air (which, btw, I love). I wanted improved functionality, along with minimal cordage on my cramped desk.

Having used an earlier version of the magic keyboard at work and finding it easy to use, I didn't have any qualms trading off the expanded functionality of the USB cable version for this smaller keyboard, though I suspected I'd miss it a little bit. So I was surprised to find out how different the usability of this keyboard is to the earlier magic keyboard I'd used before. The angle of the keyboard makes it difficult to type.

The close positioning of the keys makes it difficult to type. The location of the fn key is constantly in my way. Oddly enough, when I'm on my laptop, I don't have any of these issues, like constantly losing letters I just typed or thought I'd typed), hitting the fn key accidentally when I want to use the control key, etc. This tells me it's not that I'm not used to a smaller size keyboard, it's that there are several major design flaws. Typing this review, even, borders on semi-painful.

I'm a fast typer and a good speller - if I were to submit this review as it were being typed, however, it would look like a 6-year-old wrote it (no offense to six-year-olds). Last but not least, I actually ALSO have a functional problem with it: the fn key doesn't work to allow me to interchange between fn keys and their other, more useful duties, such as sound control, screen brightness, etc. System preferences aren't making it work, so it's something else happening that I can't figure out. At least I can get my keyboard 'fixed'.


But what I really wish I could do, is replace it entirely with the prior version of this, which may have had battery issues (or so I've heard), but at least was EASY TO USE for its intended purpose: TYPING. Sorry for the negativity. Annoyed with this product. More (Read full review). Written by Mira A from Hyattsville. Jan 9, 2016 556 of 656 people found this useful. Disappointed:( I had the battery blue tooth keyboard and LOVED IT.

Low Price Chinese Function Key Keyboard Skin Protector For Mac Free

It was perfect but it went nuts on me and would not hold a connection and would not type numbers. It was o I had the battery blue tooth keyboard and LOVED IT. It was perfect but it went nuts on me and would not hold a connection and would not type numbers. It was old and it decided it to call it quits. And I ran out to replace it today and thought that this would be the same but without batteries.

I have had to write a report tonight and my wrists are killing me! Its not at all ergonomic.

Why no back light? I dont mind the keys being more shallow, i can live with that kind of a change but when it does not work for basic healthy typing position what is the point? I use an external keyboard because the keyboard on the lap top is not at an angle that is healthy to work on for long hours and a lot of typing, I am curious as to what was the rational for many of these changes?

Ergonomics are a huge issue in any work station. I suppose i could prop it up on stuff but that is not a very good solution for mobile use. The old one had a very very smart user friendly design.

Low Price Chinese Function Key Keyboard Skin Protector For Macbook Pro

The angle was created by the little round area where the batteries went in. Was quite brilliant. Maybe I can find little rubber feet and glue them to the back and then find something to keep it from sliding towards me, it was not designed for that but I may be able to make it work.

APPLE do you have any suggestions on how to fix this issue? More (Read full review). Written by Victoria P from LAKE WORTH. Feb 2, 2016 372 of 434 people found this useful. Worst Keyboard I've Invested Time and Money In I've given this keyboard a 14 day trial run.

I really forced myself to like this keyboard, but no matter how hard I tried to convince myself of this keyboard's I've given this keyboard a 14 day trial run. I really forced myself to like this keyboard, but no matter how hard I tried to convince myself of this keyboard's ability to be a great match with my mid-2015 15' rMBP it just wasn't. Well, I've returned this keyboard for a mechanical one at the same price point. I can now be productive again, work in the dark, limit my typos, not worrying about having to reposition my fingers, having the proper keys available to navigate files and web pages, and have the proper spacing of keys for accurate typing. For $100 not worth it! I would sell this for a maximum of $28. I'm sure it only costs $20 to manufacture anyhow.

Thanks, Mark More (Read full review). Written by Mark S from Wilkes-Barre. Feb 1, 2016 317 of 372 people found this useful. Need to make this in space grey!

This color pairs awful with the new mac mini. The full size keyboard with the number pad in space grey is just too big for anyone who wants to use the touchpad This color pairs awful with the new mac mini. The full size keyboard with the number pad in space grey is just too big for anyone who wants to use the touchpad and a mouse along side of the keyboard. The regular magic keyboard is perfect size just needs to be offered in space grey. So please start making it in this color!!!! More (Read full review). Written by GERARD T K from Weedsport.

Dec 6, 2018. Such a disappointment The arrow keys are impossible to find accurately by touch alone, due to the left and right arrow keys not having a small gap above them anymore. This is the wor The arrow keys are impossible to find accurately by touch alone, due to the left and right arrow keys not having a small gap above them anymore. This is the worst part of the new MacBook keyboards and now the magic keyboard too. Please tell me Apple didn't do this just for symmetry? This is literally form over function. More (Read full review).

Written by Matthew C from Seattle. Nov 20, 2018 5 of 6 people found this useful. Worst Keyboard Ever For some unknown reason Apple have reduced the size of the left hand Shift key and the Return (or Enter) key. I am a touch typist (my trade was as a Typesetter) For some unknown reason Apple have reduced the size of the left hand Shift key and the Return (or Enter) key. I am a touch typist (my trade was as a Typesetter) and I used to be able to type 80 words per minute, without typos. I now make a mistake every time I need to use these keys.

Low price chinese function key keyboard skin protector for mac pro

If I retrain myself for this new Magic keyboard I will struggle to use any other keyboard, so I will be sending this one back and trying to find a keyboard with the correct sized keys in the correct place. What was the point Apple? Obviously this keyboard was designed by a non touch typist. I wish I could give 0 stars. More (Read full review).

Written by Timothy B from Auckland. Nov 7, 2018 9 of 10 people found this useful.

This entry was posted on 13.01.2020.