Recipe Card Template Free Awesome 60 New Recipe Template For Mac


Recipe Keeper is the easy to use, all in one recipe organizer, shopping list and meal planner that's available across all of your devices. Quickly and easily enter all your favorite recipes and organize them exactly the way you want. Create the ultimate personal cookbook with recipes from your own cookbooks, magazines and recipe websites. Recipes can be entered with as little or as much information as needed and can be grouped by courses and categories that you define making Recipe Keeper work the way you do. Import recipes automatically from many popular recipe websites then tailor the recipes for your own needs.

Add ingredients to your shopping list straight from a recipe with one click. View your shopping list on your phone while in the store. Plan your meals for the week with the built in meal planner then add your meals straight to your shopping list. Share your recipes, shopping lists and meal planner across all of your Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Android, iPhone, iPad, Mac and Windows Phone devices (separate purchase required for Android, iPhone/iPad, Mac and Windows Phone).


Attach photos to your recipes, add your own notes, rate your recipes and flag your favorites. Quickly search for your recipes by ingredients, directions or rating. Share your recipes on Facebook, Twitter and other social networks and by email. Print your recipes, shopping lists and meal planner. Create up to 4 kitchen timers allowing you to time your cooking to perfection.

Backup and restore your recipes to an external drive or your OneDrive. With Recipe Keeper you finally have one place to keep all of your recipes organized just the way you want! Recipe Keeper is the easy to use, all in one recipe organizer, shopping list and meal planner that's available across all of your devices. Quickly and easily enter all your favorite recipes and organize them exactly the way you want. Create the ultimate personal cookbook with recipes from your own cookbooks, magazines and recipe websites.

Recipes can be entered with as little or as much information as needed and can be grouped by courses and categories that you define making Recipe Keeper work the way you do. Import recipes automatically from many popular recipe websites then tailor the recipes for your own needs. Add ingredients to your shopping list straight from a recipe with one click. View your shopping list on your phone while in the store.

Plan your meals for the week with the built in meal planner then add your meals straight to your shopping list. Share your recipes, shopping lists and meal planner across all of your Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Android, iPhone, iPad, Mac and Windows Phone devices (separate purchase required for Android, iPhone/iPad, Mac and Windows Phone). Attach photos to your recipes, add your own notes, rate your recipes and flag your favorites.

Quickly search for your recipes by ingredients, directions or rating. Share your recipes on Facebook, Twitter and other social networks and by email. Print your recipes, shopping lists and meal planner. Create up to 4 kitchen timers allowing you to time your cooking to perfection. Backup and restore your recipes to an external drive or your OneDrive.

With Recipe Keeper you finally have one place to keep all of your recipes organized just the way you want! What’s new in this version V3.20.0.0 Recipes can now be linked together. Ingredients can now be checked off while cooking. The current direction can now be highlighted while cooking. Recipe scaling can now be set permanently. V3.19.0.0 Nutrition information can now be added to recipes.

Advanced recipe search added. Web links can now be added to recipe ingredients, directions and notes. Courses and categories can now be renamed. Added setting to disable scrolling recipe photos on home screen.

Faster navigation between courses, categories and recipes. Paste shopping list items from clipboard. Added support for importing recipes from more apps. Features. Add your own recipes, quickly and easily.

Import recipes automatically from your favorite websites. Organize your recipes, your way, by course and by category.


Add ingredients to your shopping lists with one click. Weekly and monthly meal planner. Share your recipes, shopping lists and meal planner across all your Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows Phone, Android, iPhone, iPad and Mac devices. Share your recipes on social networks and by email.

Print your recipes, shopping lists and meal planner. Submitted on Review title of CalebTotal Con I started using this app on my phone and I liked it so much that I purchased the pro version. I then learned that I could also download this app on to my laptop and sync my recipes between both devices. Sounded excellent. So I downloaded this app onto my app laptop only to discover that I had to buy it again (for more than double the cost of the mobile app) in order to sign in to my account and sync with the recipes on my phone.

No thank you. I'll stick with the pro version on my phone and i'll be uninstalling the desktop version from my laptop.

Recipe Card Template Free Awesome 60 New Recipe Template For Mac Download

A total con if you ask me. If you're intending to buy this app and have a windows phone, download and purchase the mobile version. It's a lot cheaper and does the same as the desktop version. Don't buy both. Submitted on Review title of SharonA Great App I love this App.

I have paid twice so that I can have the App on my Windows tablet and my Android Smartphone, and it is worth every penny. Both devices sinc with each other so if I am in work and cannot remember what ingredients I need I just open the App and check.


Recipe Card Template Free Awesome 60 New Recipe Template For Machine

I have favourite recipes books that I love to look through but I have now found a lot of the recipes on line and transferred them to Reipie Keeper, I have also transferred my saved recipes off an old App that is closing down. I highly recommend Recipe Keeper, it is worth the money to purchase the full App. Submitted on Review title of DaisymaeAmazing app Does everything that I want it to do (except cook the food for me?). I've been struggling with recipie books and magazine cuttings for ages, and all I ever wanted was to be able to search the recipies by ingredient, course, type etc. This app lets me do all that and even adjust the quantities automatically to suit the number of people.

The shopping list feature is amazing and I can even swap the product categories around so it fits the route I take through my local supermarket! I did purchase this for my windows PC with the expectation I could use my phone to upload pictures to the recipes, alas, my phone is a HTC so I have to purchase it a second time before I can use it on my phone. Submitted on Review title of EmmaExactly what I was looking for:) I love cooking, and have a whole bookcase just for my cookery books. I have a handwritten book with all the recipes colour coded for different meat etc, so at a glance I can see what it uses. In there are all the recipes I would like to try,the cook book title and page number the recipe is on. The problem with my book is I have to search through each page for something to cook. This app will replace my notebook, and has the benefit of easy search, so if I have a whole Chicken I want to do something different with, it can search everything faster, with the benefit of seeing the ingredients without searching my bookshelf.

(I don't add the method, as it would take me forever to catalogue it all) The only improvement I would make is adding a page number option when choosing to add the recipe, as I currently have to add it to the Book title, as I still use my books to follow the cooking instructions. This app is easy to use, and a great tool for finding something different to cook.:).

This entry was posted on 26.12.2019.