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I recently installed SAP GUI on my MAC, OS yosemite. After some pitfalls I managed to make it up and running. So, I thought of writing the steps followed for others striving to achieve the same. 1) Download the JRE8 u 45 from the below link Select the “ Mac OS X x64” option in the above link 2) Once the download is complete, install the same on your machine 3) Download the JDK8 u 45 from the below link Select the “ Mac OS X x64” option in the above link 4) Once the download is complete, install the same on your machine 5) Download the SAP GUI for JAVA, from sap service market place, download centre by following the below link 6) Click on the Index “G”.

Anno 1404: Gold Edition includes Anno 1404 and its add-on Anno 1404: Venice. Anno 1404 and its add-on are an award winning combination of construction,. Anno 1404 download full free.

7) Enter user SAP service marketplace S-User credentials and locate “SAP GUI for JAVA” and click to open the link 8) Click on the “SAP GUI For JAVA 7.40” link on the screen 9) On the next screen, click on “MacOs” and in the “Downlaod” subscreen, select the “JAR” file, PlatinGUI7402-20012037.JAR, with the highest patch level, and add it you download basket to download it. Hi Rini, I installed sap gui 7.40 on yosemite. I’m pretty sure that I have followed your step by step instructions, but when I click “connect” the system returns me this error and I can not figure out where the problem is.

Consider that on same network i run SAPGUI from windows machines with no problems. Can you help me? Many thanks in advance. Thank you Rini for your reply. I’ll try to answer to your questions. The connection string I’m trying to use is: conn=/H/DP0LOGONGROUP/S/3220&expert=true Test:conn=/H/ 1)yes, it is SAP server IP address 2)no, suppose it is 3220 here is the snapshot of windows logon: I also enclose the “saplogon.ini” used in windows: it works really well. Hi Charlie, Sorry for the delay.have been pretty busy lately.

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Regarding the SAP application server, you need to follow below for connection string as mentioned in the post: conn=/H//S/3299/H//S/32 e.g. Conn=/H/ Note: For connection type server group, the connection string should be as below: conn=/M//S//G/ Further, the connection string convention /R//G/ is used along with a text file containing mapping b/w the SAP system id and its corresponding server ip.

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I have never used the above connection string though. Further, it would be good, if you could put a screenshot of the error you are getting, i would able to know the issue better. Hope it helps. Best Regards, Rini. System Application Server Instance No ID Client ECC 40 EH6 800, I setup the connection as below: conn=/H/ However, I get the below error when I try to connect. Can somebody help me? Hi Rini, Very Helpful blog!

Thanks a lot for sharing your experience!

This entry was posted on 20.01.2020.