Losing Data, Changes, And Formulas In Excel 2011 For Mac


There is no direct or one-click function to delete all data but formulas in Excel, but you can use Go To Special function to select all data but formulas first and then delete them. Select the range you want to delete all data but formulas, press Ctrl + G keys simultaneusly to open the Go To dialog, then click Special button in the dialog to open the Go To Special dialog. See screenshots: 2. Then in the Go To Special dialog, check Constants and click OK to close the dialog. See screenshot: 3. Now all the data but formulas are selected, and press Delete button on the keyboard or right click to select Delete to remove all data except forluma cells. Delete all formulas but keep data with Kutools for Excel On the contrary, in this section, we will show you how to delete all formulas from selected range but keep data in Excel.

  1. Losing Data Changes And Formulas In Excel 2011 For Mac
Losing Data, Changes, And Formulas In Excel 2011 For Mac

Select the range with formulas you want to remove but keep the data, then click Kutools To Actual. See screenshot: You can see all formulas in selected range are removed immediately, but the calculated results are kept in cells. See screenshot: Tip.If you want to have a free trial of this utility, please go to first, and then go to apply the operation according above steps. Relative Articles:. Recommended Productivity Tools Bring handy tabs to Excel and other Office software, just like Chrome, Firefox and new Internet Explorer.

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Losing Data Changes And Formulas In Excel 2011 For Mac

The Excel 2011 function argument delimiter seems to be tied in to the region settings of OS X. I have been able to get a comma as argument delimiter in Excel by setting the region of the machine to the US or to the Netherlands. (It was originally Swiss-French) This obviously also changes the usage of the komma and the dot in number notations and the convention for showing dates. These I was able to customize all back to my original preference via the customize buttons, whilst leaving the new argument delimiter behavior intact.

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This entry was posted on 07.01.2020.